

The boys of Pruebo (Bikolano Punk Rock Band)

Summary Kwentuhan lang with the boys of Pruebo! We have Mr. Jeroy Padilla (vocals), Emyl Santos (bass) and Ronmark Jason Abaño (Guitars). Join us! Transcription

The boys of Pruebo (Bikolano Punk Rock Band)

Summary Kwentuhan lang with the boys of Pruebo! We have Mr. Jeroy Padilla (vocals), Emyl Santos (bass) and Ronmark Jason Abaño (Guitars). Join us!

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the Host

I started writing songs 2019 eventhough I am not a good singer and definitely not a musician.But since we are living in digital age,I maximized technology and was able to make songs and posted them online.Some time this year, I came across a mobile livecasting app and I thought I can give it a go there.Then again, I decided podcasting since I am not ready for that kind of set up yet. It was all supposed to be a passion project until I realized that there is a growing market for podcast editors wolrdwide.So now, you are here. Thank you for visiting my website! Enjoy!

Passion Project only
(Music = Life)

Loved by progressive media.